Mine Shaft Headgear project
Mine Shaft Headgear project
Small Bag 1
25mm Bolt and nut | Handle | 1m Rope | 1 x Wooden stopper | 1 x Sewing bobbin
Small Bag 2
Box base and top | 4 x 55mm dowels
Medium Bag
2 x 50mm Pivot blocks | 2 x 100mm dowels | 16 x 18cm Coffee stirrer | 1 x 9,5cm Ice cream stick | Circular polystyrene | 2 x Correx circles
Big bag
1 x Wooden base and top | 4 x 350mm x 6mm Dowels | Sanding paper | 2 x Straws
Base: ±200mm x 150mm | Height: ±375mm
Tip: Use the sandpaper provided to sand the foam pully before assembling.
Notice – colours of some items may vary.